The Luxe Version
A portray of THE LUXE VERSION as per me is Luxury, Class, Sophistication, Elegance, Radiance, Simplicity …no words.
Do we have the right line that can define? I don’t think so. But spaces designed here will surely have a mark of uniqueness in them that people wouldn’t have seen before. Why is it unique? May be because of the sensuality that goes in the process. Like how we say every person is different in his or her own thoughts, or be it in looks or the things they like, design is also as personal as this. Every spec of a corner, the tiniest of the detail to the wall accent may be or the flooring is one’s own personal choice, isn’t it? But what might go missing generally, is certainly the clarity of thoughts that one needs to amalgamate to bring in the space together. Glam quotient varies. But certainly, it exists…in the variance that it is seen in the form of style, pattern, colors and textures.
Design is so interlinked with human traits and personality that we tend to like to see only ourselves in our surroundings. Only those are the things that we like. So, we as designers, thank God here to have given us this kind of a passion wherein we can not only relate to and trance one’s liking but at the same time curate spaces that speak a whole new world on their own.
In THE LUXE VERSION, we do not follow any kind of themes or patterns that’s been existing since ages. Every niche of the corner is curated as per client’s personality that brings in the depth and life to one’s space.
After all, spaces should speak you, spaces should give you wings to fly your potential and give you array of hope to see a King size life at your very own space.
In simpler words, a space that can mirror you …with the best version of yourself, is what we do!! 😀