
What is stagnation?… the very word reminds me of these dirty waters in the rivers, being stagnated. I can smell that stagnated water at this moment, the one that we probably come across in the lakes around us, while we are travelling… This very smell is because of the stagnation of water that happens for days and years. Stagnation of our thoughts is a very similar thing …unfortunately.
I am the best, I know everything, I am right, what I say is right, what I feel is right …are certain human characteristics which are very common. What do we understand from all these? Are we open enough to welcome, flow of thoughts inside our system from others, or are we stuck with are egos? saying, am always right? Seriously holding on to ego is like getting stagnated in life. Isn’t it? That stink of ego is felt or seen by others anyways. Be it in the form you speak or in the form you behave. So, who is the person stagnated, in this kind of a stink from within? Is it you, or the other person around you?? It could be any person who is holding on to his/her own horses saying, he’s only “God” each time.
Any person whom u come across …around u …worth forwarding this article π as it will or may bring in some sense …to get him/her to breathe in some fresh air at that moment :D. Or if it’s u….u can decide π π
Never too late ….
Let’s start now. Letβs flow in the air of openness, for, we have learnt that openness from nature. Openness to bloom, openness to shine, openness to see, openness to accept people, openness to hear criticism, openness to live and let live!! One can only bloom with an open mind and heart. Let’s not close our windows of mind within ourselves that we dont even listen when others are speaking sense. Let’s all be in that mercy of God who only has the right to decide who’s right, who’s wrong.
Let’s not try and take HIS role that we get stagnated here.
Aim is to be childlike, to be open, to be fresh to smell good like a flower from within.
It’s our life, one life to live, let’s “bloom” and not get stagnated!