“Self-Discovery”…. a precious journey to know yourself!

On a routine, aren’t we engrossed in thoughts? Could be to do with work, friends or family…could be anything …thoughts keep running in our mind at all times, isn’t it? We speak, we think, we worry, we have time for all of these! But, when it comes to speaking about ourselves, don’t we stammer? Do we have a quick answer? Do we actually know ourselves really well? to answer this question? You might be an amazing person around, achieved lots in life, but when it comes to yourself, do you know yourself enough? have you ever given time for yourself – to know yourself better?

We often come across this common question in any of the job interviews…asked to us… where in, you are asked to speak about yourself. Haven’t we practiced our answers?  Few of us have… few of us haven’t. Forget interview… it’s for us to know ourselves better, isn’t it?

How does it help? Self-observation always helps, as it is only then, you realize your strengths, your weaknesses, your happiness, your habits, your likes…dislikes… etc… Each one of us are so busy in day today life setting up goals for ourselves. Isn’t it? But, amidst all these set busy routine schedules, where do we stand today – emotionally? Is something that we don’t even give a thought. Financially, we are all good at :D, but, more than that, don’t you think, being a better human first…is the much-needed thing? Where do we stand there? It’s an open question, isn’t it?

I feel, this is one simple way again … to be more sorted, from within, and gaining this kind of a clarity is surely a much-needed thing as we all live in a fast moving city life! Take very few minutes in a day … to observe yourself… coz once it’s a routine to you… it will help you to be more strong, more peaceful, more appropriative towards circumstances. Overall… isn’t this a plus? over a period of time?

It is only then…all our goals can be eventually achieved as we know to handle our things better…whatever the hurdles we may come across, as we know ourselves better!

To be precise, know yourself better, before anybody judges you… NOT TO GET shattered with comments, judgements around you, “BE YOU”!! For you are “GOD’S VERY OWN MASTERPIECE”! Know yourself better!