Ultimate happiness in our life, whatever our definition of happiness may be…all lies within us. Seeking for happiness elsewhere is the easiest thing, or sometimes it can be the toughest thing . It can be either ways, right? So in this case happiness is not a guaranteed thing ! Sadly.

How easy life can be.. for ourselves if we could just blindly believe, like as in, a child believes in his /her mother, doesn’t have anything to think of…to regret of..to complain of..to doubt of…its minimal…that simple our life can be. God has given the same life be it to a child or an adult. It just requires that simplicity of acceptance of  who we are… as basic as that.

If u observe… a baby by your sight…or around your space..or could be even a little distant away… has sooo much of attraction to offer. They are meant to be center of attraction be it in a crowd,..be it if they are cute babies or not they have lots to offer even without one single trace of speech…it could be just through their smile… which is most mesmerizing..or could be through their actions …could be whatever … we just get dragged…any reasons , why?

It’s because of that constant pure state of mind, that presence of mind they are blessed with ! With no thoughts in them…what so ever. Love is in such natural form …in abundance! Something that’s this natural from birth,,… is soo soo tough to be with . Why is that? When do we loose this ? No answers…

Focus …is on being that…to reach out there …where there’s just , NOTHING …but for this minute…and a world of just that ..!! Wide open your eyes and heart to see and feel love…beautiful you can be….beautiful u r…..!! IMMERSE IN THAT SERENITY…for a life time of guaranteed happiness :))

Embrace life each minute with this kind of a love and power.. a blissful life can be the only outcome! All in us! Lucky we are !

Life is just like an ice cream… before it melts…lets taste all flavours , for it has its own kick to offer us….just, by living in this minute , to enjoy life to its fullest !!

It is only then, you can see or make every other person around u, happy !! And that’s , in our hands too , to bring in a moment of  joy in others lives … life is so beautiful !!