In true heartfelt Gratitude to my Gods in life….”My Parents”…..

What’s gratitude? Is it a feeling that has to come to us .. to thank God ..? to have created us .. or is it a feeling from heart that’s already in us .. “AS US”? Seriously .. we need not have or find anytime to thank anybody here .. what I mean here is … we can be that .. from within our heart ! Like how our breathing happens, like that … this word, ‘bhaavane’ what we say in Kannada, has to be a part of us at every given moment by God .

Whom to thank ? Whom all to thank ? What all to thank for? When all to thank? Where all to thank ? These lines may look funny .. but has a lot of depth in them .

One thing for sure.. our every scene in life, every second, every minute, every hour in our life is a gift given by our Creator. It all starts from the air he has given us in plenty to breathe … to the heartbeat he has set in our heart permanently to beat for us .. day and night .. to all the organs that keep functioning endlessly to the elements of nature surviving today just to ensure we exist ! 🙂

On a deeper note.. to the family we have had for us.. to the people we have had as our supporters all through …first and foremost to our parents who have been there for us matter what!…

List goes endlessly … amidst this much of a reason to thank …..takes place in our heart .. our anger .. our greed .. our jealousy .. bla bla .. should there actually be any room to these unwanted stuff ?? 🙁 …really??

This much of a blessing .. in one life..that too..let’s be grateful..let’s be thankful  !! I think, one form of giving back all the love received be it from nature or from people …is Gratitude!!